Supporting Clinical Information:
Electromagnetic Infrared Therapy Supporting Studies:
Alan B. Kochman, MSPT, Dale H. Carnegie, DPM, Thomas J. Burke, PhD. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2002
Joseph Prendergast, MD, Galdina Miranda, MA, Manuel Sanchez, MA. 24 ENDOCRINE PRACTICE Vol 10 No. 1 January/February 2004
Alan B. Kochman, MSPT J. Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004
David R. Leonard, MD, FACE, Hamed Farooqi, MD, FACE, Sara Myers, RN
Diabetes Care 27, 2004
Salvatore L. DeLellis, DPM, Dale H. Carnegie, DPM, Thomas J. Burke, PhD. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2005
Lawrence B. Harkless, DPM, Salvatore DeLellis, DPM, Dale H. Carnegie, DPM, Thomas J. Burke, PhD. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 2006
Wendy Volkert, MSPT, Ahmed Hassan, PT, MS, Mohamed A. Hassan, PT, MHS, Vicki L. Smock, PT, Justin P. Connor, PT, Becky McFee, PT, Shayne K. Ferguson, PT, MHS, PhD, GCS, CWS, Thomas J. Burke, PhD. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, Vol. 24(2) 2006
Mark W. Powell, Dale H. Carnegie, Thomas J. Burke. Age and Ageing 2006
Thomas J. Burke, PhD. Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2007
Palanghi F., DeBellis A., Gioffredi M., Gori R., Picciafouchi R., Martini N., Anichini R. European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2009
Stanley Paul, Yuanlong Liu, Robert McAlister. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2010
Tarek A. Ammar, PT, PhD. International Scholarly Research Network Rehabilitation ISRN Rehabilitation, 2012
Wendy M. Ferx, MS, PT; Meredith R. Hall, DPT. FEDERAL PRACTITIONER, September 2015
Elham Mohamed Yousief,M.D. ,Sahier Omar El-Khashab, M.D. Med.J.Cairo Univ.,2020
Electrostimulation Supporting Studies:
1) 551 patients by Rene Hartz, MD, and Rita Wickhan, PH.D. at the Northern Michigan University, published this abstract:" 551 patients were treated with the device system, a unique TENS/EMS electrical stimulation device to determine if the quality of life was improved. Fully 91% reported success. No side effects were reported. The device is safe and effective for treating peripheral neuropathy."
2) 472 patients, self-selected, self-diagnosed, and self-treated with only this single modality, 74% reported immediate relief after their first treatment, average pain drop after any treatment was 40%, 81% reported satisfaction, and only 10% returned their device.
3) 530 patients whose physicians had run out of effective therapies, found the on the internet brought the device to the attention of their MD. These 530 MD's, unknown to each other, and not advised of the study, prescribed a 60-day trial requiring a follow up visit to determine the efficacy of the device. All 530 physicians, after re-examining their individual patient 60 days later, ordered the purchase of the device.
The reason our electrostimulation device can reduce both pain and numbness (unlike a common TENS that only treats pain and can leave a patient with long term residual numbness) is three-fold, and no other device has these patented features.
1. The device reads the patient's unique signature dysfunctional waveform, and then uses a computer-generated compensating waveform to cancel that asymmetry, (think Bose® noise canceling headphones).
2. 20% of the device’s gentle impulses are EMS in nature and stimulate the venous muscle pump in the calves to increase local blood supply. If one is to stimulate the nerves, they will need more fresh blood in and more blood out to take out metabolic toxins.
3. The specific 7.83 frequency of the device causes the brain to release endorphins which are internally created pain relievers that travel via the blood stream throughout the body. These endorphins reduce pain in other parts of the body, helps the patient get to sleep, and then sleep all night.
4. The device’s proprietary dual function waveform: 80% of its impulses stimulate nerves, while 20% stimulates muscle enhances and maintains the nerve/muscle connection so the patient's gait is improved (no falling) and muscle cramps are reduced.
5. Accommodation to the impulses are avoided by the device use of a patient imperceptible Fibonacci based formula to slightly vary the frequency, pulse width, and intensity.
Advanced Nutritional Therapy Supporting Studies:
L-Citrulline & Glutathione & NO2
McKinley-Barnard et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:27
DOI 10.1186/s12970-015-0086-7